Bay Transit Roadeo Results

Bay Transit Roadeo – 2018
On April 10 & 11, in Gloucester and on April 17 & 18 in Warsaw, Bay Aging/Bay Transit provided a dynamic training and competition called the “Bay Transit Roadeo” from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM each day.
Safety is Bay Transit’s number one goal. Comprehensive Driver training insures that passengers of all ages being transported to work, appointments, shopping or other errands are secure and comfortable.
The highlight of Bay Transit’s training program is the Annual Roadeo. This event tests the skills and abilities of every Bay Transit Driver throughout the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula. Each Driver is required to complete specific tasks critical to safe transportation and follow industry standards and practices as outlined by the Community Transportation Association of America.
The Roadeo is broken down into three key components:
1) Driving Skills Course
9 stations on a closed course require the Driver to maneuver around and through obstacles that stress turning, backing, speed control and stopping
2) Wheelchair Securement
Requires the Driver to load, secure and unload a wheelchair bound passenger safely and comfortably
3) Written Exam
Questions focusing on safety, traffic law, transportation of passengers with disabilities, and customer service.
Scores are kept from each activity and the top three Drivers with the highest scores automatically qualify for the State Roadeo to be held in Blacksburg, VA on April 28, 2018. And if a Driver from Bay Transit wins that event, he or she will travel to Pittsburgh, PA on June 9-10, 2018.
Even as this Roadeo is a challenging event, it also provided an opportunity for fun and fellowship among Drivers throughout the region that rarely see each other.